Breast implant replacement or revision is an increasingly common reason that I see patients for. This is for many reasons, including women with older implants that need replacing, women wanting a different sized implant than what they had before, or women that have been unhappy with the results from local or overseas surgeons, and now prefer to see a Specialist Plastic Surgeon.

An important part of the consultation is assessing the patients goals and how these goals relate to their own unique anatomy. This allows selection of an ideal implant size and shape, while also deciding what other surgical techniques are required.

What is a breast implant replacement?

Breast implant replacement (sometimes called breast implant revision) involves removing your old breast implants and replacing them with new silicon breast implants.

Implants can be replaced for many different reasons, including lifestyle changes (you want a different implant size or different implant shape), complications with the original implants (such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, implant position change), or unhappiness with the previous surgical result.

Is breast implant replacement for me?

You might be a candidate for breast implant replacement if:

  • You have complications from breast implants, such as capsular contracture, breast implant rupture, or implant malposition.
  • You are unhappy with your breast implant size or shape, and want your breast implant or breast tissue adjusted.

What does breast implant replacement involve?

At a glance breast implant replacement involves:

  • Time in surgery: 1 – 3 hours.
  • Time in hospital: Day case or overnight stay.
  • Time off work: 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Time before driving: 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Time wearing a supportive garment: 6 weeks.
  • Time before exercise including gym: 6 weeks.

Breast implant revision is performed under general anaesthetic (with you asleep), and usually involves an overnight hospital admission.

The first part of the procedure involves removal of your old implants – this is performed using a breast crease incision, and may involve removal of the scar capsule that surrounds the implant (capsulectomy).

The second part of the procedure involves reinserting new breast implants.

A thorough clinical assessment is essential to plan how the new implants will be inserted, including the implant shape (teardrop or round), implant size (bigger or smaller), implant location (over or under the muscle), and if the breast tissue itself needs adjusting (tightening of the external breast skin, or internal bra procedures).

Why should you see Dr Colbert for your breast implant replacement?

Many Perth women see Dr Colbert for breast implant replacement surgery because they want expert care by a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon.

  • Dr Colbert MBBS FRACS (Plastic Surgery) is an Australian trained and fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon.
  • Dr Colbert is one of only a few Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Australia who focuses exclusively on breast and body surgery.
  • Dr Colbert personally performs all surgery and aftercare himself, and doesn’t get surgical assistants or nurses to treat you during or after your operation.
  • Dr Colbert and his staff are renowned for their amazing patient care, delivered in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

Meet Dr Colbert

What is the recovery after breast implant replacement surgery?

Most patients comment that recovery from breast implant replacement surgery is much more more comfortable than their original breast implant operation.

You will often need to stay overnight in hospital, and have someone to look after you for the initial few days at home.

Most women will take two weeks off from work, with a gradual return to full activities over six weeks. A post-surgical bra is recommended to be worn for at least six weeks after surgery.

What scars can I expect after breast implant replacement?

Most breast implant revision surgery can be performed through a breast crease incision, either through your previous incision, or if your previous implants were inserted through the armpit (transaxillary) or nipple (periareolar) then a new breast crease incision is made.

If you have droopy nipples or lax breast skin then a breast lift (mastopexy) may be beneficial, meaning that incisions are placed around the areola and in front of the breast. Dr Colbert will always discuss the location of any scars with you during your preoperative consultations.

What are the risks associated with breast implant replacement?

While most breast implant revision patients have no significant complications, it’s important to be aware than implant revision surgery comes with risks as great as, or sometimes greater than, the original procedure. These risks include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising, bleeding, and haematoma.
  • Abnormal scarring, including delayed wound healing.
  • Implant complications, including malposition, contracture, rupture.
  • Cosmetic problems, including a change in breast shape.
  • General risks associated with any operation, such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus (PE).
  • Breast implant revision is similar to any other surgical procedure, in that it has risks associated with it. Before deciding to have any operation you should always speak to an appropriately qualified health practitioner to discuss these potential risks.

How much does breast implant replacement cost in Perth?

Costs associated with breast implant replacement in Perth can be difficult to understand, especially since Medicare rules for breast implant revision were updated in November 2018.

In general, the main fees associated with implant revision surgery are those of the surgeon, the implant, the Anaesthesist, and the hospital.

Medicare and your private health fund may partly subsidise some parts of these fees if you meet strict eligibility criteria for MBS item numbers 45553 and 45554. These criteria include a medical need for replacement (such as severe capsular contracture, or rupture), with implant removal resulting in an unacceptable cosmetic deformity (severe concavity with significant with excess skin), confirmed by intraoperative photographs. If you don’t meet these criteria then Medicare and your private health fund won’t subsidise any part of your surgery.

With so many factors associated with the total cost, an accurate quote can only be obtained after a consultation with Dr Colbert.

Where can I find out more?

A consultation with Dr Colbert is a great way to find out more about breast implant replacement in Perth.

To arrange a consultation please contact our friendly office staff, or alternatively you can leave a message by filling out our contact form.


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