I believe in personalising the breast augmentation procedure for each patient, ensuring the right implant is chosen for you and your own unique anatomy.

During your one-on-one consultation I discuss your options for implant type, implant size, and implant placement, and how each can be customised to create a result that suits your body and meets your goals.

This careful planning and meticulous attention to detail is essential in creating a natural looking beautiful breast.

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation (also known as breast enlargement or a ‘boob job’) is a common reason that many Perth women choose Dr Colbert to perform. It involves increasing the size of your breasts by inserting implants beneath your breasts.

The type of implant chosen depends on many factors, including the size you want your breasts to be, your breast anatomy, and your body type.

Dr Colbert believes in helping you choose implants that complement and enhance your individual body type, resulting in a naturally beautiful breast.

Are breast implants for me?

You may be a good candidate for breast implants in Perth if:

  • Your breasts are small, underdeveloped, or asymmetrical.
  • Your breasts make you unhappy, or affect your day to day life.
  • Your breast size has decreased in size since having children.
  • You are in good health, including not smoking.

A truly accurate answer that is customised to your own body and aesthetic goals is only possible after a consultation with Dr Colbert.

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What does breast augmentation surgery involve?

When performing breast enlargement in Perth, Dr. Colbert believes in creating proportional breasts that accentuate your natural contours.

  • During your consultation Dr Colbert performs a full medical history and examination, including asking about your aesthetic goals.
  • Implant size and shape is chosen with you, aiming to create a natural looking breast that suits and enhances your body frame.
  • Colbert adheres to the 14 point plan, which minimises the risk of infection, capsular contracture and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL).
  • Each part of the operation is performed with precise attention to detail, ensuring your implant fits your breast, like a hand fits a glove. This helps ensure your surgery is safe, your recovery is rapid, and your results are amazing.

What is the recovery after breast augmentation?

At a glance:

  • Time in surgery: 1 – 2 hours.
  • Time in hospital: Day case.
  • Time off work: 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Time before driving: 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Time wearing a supportive garment: 6 weeks.
  • Time before exercise including gym: 6 – 8 weeks.

Dr. Colbert performs breast augmentation to ensure you have a rapid recovery – from careful and precise operating, to small incisions that are meticulously closed, to special postoperative exercises that ensure you are back to full recovery as quick as possible.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

Dr. Colbert performs breast augmentation as an all inclusive price from $15990. This includes all surgical care, breast implants, anaesthetic costs, hospital costs, and post-operative care.

  • Your procedure is performed by Dr. David Colbert, a Specialist Plastic Surgeon. – not a cosmetic doctor or GP, and not by an assistant or associate.
  • Your operation performed at a fully-accredited hospital that meets strict Australian health standards.
  • Your procedure performed under general anaesthetic, administered by a fully qualified Specialist Anaesthetist.
  • Implants are from Mentor, placed under or above the muscle.
  • All operations, all post-operative care, and all follow up is personally provided by Dr. Colbert.
  • This package is applicable to most patients requiring the more common and straightforward type of augmentation. Cost of the package will be higher for patients with other breast problems, such as constricted breasts (tuberous breasts) or droopy breasts.

Why should you see Dr Colbert for your breast augmentation surgery?

Perth women see Dr Colbert for breast augmentation surgery because they want expert care by a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon.

  • Dr Colbert is one of only a few Specialist Plastic Surgeons in Australia who focuses exclusively on breast and body surgery.
  • Dr Colbert personally performs all surgery and aftercare himself, and doesn’t rely on surgical assistants or nurses to treat you during or after your operation.
  • Dr Colbert and his staff are renowned for their amazing patient care, delivered in a comfortable and stress-free environment.

Meet Dr Colbert

What scars can I expect after breast augmentation?

Dr Colbert strives to minimise your visible scarring as much as possible:

  • Placing your incision in the breast crease (also known as the inframammary fold, or IMF), resulting in a relatively inconspicuous scar.
  • Inserting your breast implant through a sterile surgical funnel, resulting in your incision being kept as small as possible –  approximately 4-5cm in length.
  • Your incision is closed precisely by Dr Colbert, using dissolving sutures and special surgical tape, helping ensure your wound heals without complications.
  • It’s important to remain patient, as all scars appear raised and red early on, before flattening and fading with time.
What are the risks associated with breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation in Perth has the following risks associated with it:

  • Infection: Infections can occur after surgery, and they typically manifest within a few days or weeks. Antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection, and in severe cases, the implant may need to be removed temporarily.
  • Bleeding or haematoma: this is a collection of blood in the wound that would result in you needing to return to the operating theatre.
  • Capsular contracture: This refers to the formation of scar tissue around the breast implant, causing the breast to feel firm and potentially altering its shape. In some cases, additional surgery may be required to correct this issue.
  • Implant rupture or leakage: Breast implants can rupture or leak over time. Silicone implants may have a silent rupture, meaning there may be no obvious signs. Regular monitoring, including medical imaging scans are recommended to detect any implant issues.
  • Changes in sensation: Alterations in nipple or breast sensation are possible after breast augmentation surgery. These changes can be temporary or permanent, and the degree of sensation loss or changes can vary from person to person.
  • Abnormal scarring: while breast reduction scars generally heal very well, some scars may become lumpy or thick (hypertrophic or keloid scars).
  • Changes in nipple sensation: while some patients may not have a change in nipple sensation, some may become either less sensitive or sometimes more sensitive.
  • Anaesthesia Risks: General anaesthesia carries its own set of risks, including allergic reactions, respiratory complications, and adverse reactions to medications.
  • Breast asymmetry: while Dr Colbert strives to make both sides as equal as possible, there may be some very minor differences between the two in either size or shape.
  • Further surgery: breast implants are man-made devices that will very likely need to be replaced or removed at some point in time, resulting in you needing further surgery.
  • Breast augmentation surgery is like any other surgical procedure in that it is associated with risks – therefore before deciding to have any operation you should always speak to an appropriately qualified health practitioner to discuss these potential risks.
Am I too old for breast augmentation?

Age alone is not a determining factor for whether someone is too old for breast augmentation surgery. Whether or not you are suitable for breast augmentation depends on factors such as your overall health, medical history, and specific goals and expectations. While Dr Colbert’s most common patient is the  younger Mum who’s been considering the operation for many years, many much older women have also undergone breast augmentation with great results.

How do I pick my breast implant size?

Patients often feel that this might be one of the more difficult decisions, but Dr Colbert makes it much less stressful by considering your anatomy and aesthetics:

  • The first decision to make is the width of your implant. Dr Colbert helps you choose an implant width that matches your chest width perfectly, helping you achieve the amount of cleavage and ‘sideboob’ that you desire.
  • The second decision to make is the height (also known as the projection) of your implant. Dr Colbert helps you choose an implant projection that matches your own aesthetic goals and expectations.
  • The height and width of your implant will give the size of your implant, and Dr Colbert uses a breast implant sizing kit to help you select the range of implants that fit your body best.
  • A good guide to remember is that a cup size is approximately 150cc-175cc, meaning that going from an A-cup to a full C-cup will need 350cc implants.
When will I need to have my breast implants replaced?

It’s important to know that breast implants are man-made devices on loan to you, and are not lifetime devices. They are designed to last more than ten years, with the risks of rupture and other complications increasing each year.

After five years Dr Colbert recommends getting an ultrasound and breast implant assessment performed, and repeating every two years. If there is no rupture, no contracture, and you’re happy with the aesthetic outcomes, then there’s no reason to replace your implants.

Will breast implants affect my ability to breast feed?

In the vast majority of cases, breast augmentation should not interfere with your ability to breast feed.

This is because breast implants are placed behind your breast gland (and Dr Colbert usually places them partially behind your chest muscle as well), avoiding any damage to the breast ducts or mammary glands from which milk is excreted.

However in a small number of cases breast augmentation can result in reduced nipple sensation, making it difficult to trigger the milk let down reflex, resulting in difficulty breast feeding.

Does breast augmentation increase the risk of breast cancer?

Breast augmentation surgery itself does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer – multiple studies and extensive research have shown no direct causal link between breast implants and breast cancer.

However breast implants can affect the detection of breast cancer during routine screenings. Implants can make it more challenging to see breast tissue on mammograms, meaning that ultrasound or MRI might be needed.

It is important to remain breast aware, which includes performing regular breast self-examinations, regular clinical breast examinations with your regular doctor, plus adhering to breast screening guidelines.

What is breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)?

Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare lymphoma that develops around breast implants, and is a cancer of the immune system, and not a breast cancer.

BIA-ALCL develops on average 7-8 years after implant insertion, and usually presents with a sudden swelling of fluid around the implant, or pain in the breasts or armpits. It can be diagnosed by taking a sample of the fluid around the implant and getting it tested for abnormal cells.

If diagnosed early, surgical removal of the implant and capsule is generally curative. In advanced cases further treatment (such as chemotherapy) may be needed.

Please note that Dr Colbert uses breast implants with a smooth surface, which BIA-ALCL has never been associated with.

Are round or teardrop shaped implants better?

This is a controversial topic, with many patients and surgeons having differing opinions.

In most patients Dr Colbert prefers using round implants, for the following reasons:

  • Round implants (especially if not high profile) that are placed under the muscle assume a teardrop shape. This has been confirmed on ultrasound studies.
  • Round implants cannot rotate, while teardrop shaped implants can. A rotated teardrop shaped implant will create an abnormal breast shape, and require revisionary surgery.
  • Round implants can be smooth surfaced, while teardrop shaped implants need to a textured surface to make rotation less likely. Textured implants have been associated with BIA-ALCL, while smooth implants never have.
  • Many studies have shown that Plastic Surgeons cannot tell the difference between round or teardrop shaped implants in before and after photos.

Where can I find out more?

To find out more about breast augmentation please contact our friendly office staff.

Alternatively you can leave a message by filling out our contact form.

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